The Boston Women’s Football League was established in 1997 and has grown into a community of over 300 players. We pride ourselves on providing a competitive, safe, and inclusive environment. There are three divisions: A, B, and C with skill level varying in each division. The season begins the first Sunday after Labor Day and ends the weekend before Thanksgiving. Any questions, please reach out to Commissioner, Dori Wade
2024 Team Information and Division
A Division
Fighting Irish
First Down Dimes
Hail Marys
B Division
Violent Femmes
Tight Ends
Loose Cannons
C Division
Foul Play
Big Daddies
Rules and Regulations
While the code attempts by rule and penalty to prohibit all forms of unnecessary roughness, unfair tactics and unsportsmanlike conduct, it is obviously impossible to list every dishonorable or unethical act that might take place. It is the responsibility of players, coaches, officials and team supporters to maintain the highest ethical standards. Deliberately violating the rules in the hope or expectation of not being detected is deplorable and indefensible. No true athlete should violate any of the unwritten rules that exist for the good of the game. Coaches need to be responsible for conduct of their players as they all are a reflection of the BWFFL and all league athletes. We will not allow the negative actions of a few individuals to ruin the reputation, enjoyment and integrity of the sport for all.
We, the members of the Boston Women’s Flag Football League, in order to provide a formal structure for the continuation of a women’s flag football league in the greater Boston area free from discrimination on the basis of race, religion, creed, gender, national origin or sexual orientation/preference, hereby adopt this constitution formalizing our objectives of friendly competition.
Team Roster Form
This document is for team reps. All players must be listed on the team roster, and the completed roster must be given to the league commissioner by the end of the second week of the season.