2024 Standings

A League

1. Hail Marys
2. Dimes
3. Irish
4. Kingpins
5. Jeanie Johnston

B League

1. Violent Femmes
2. Renegades
3. Tight Ends
4. Loose Cannons
5. Show Stoppers

C League

1. Big Daddies
2. Foul Play
3. Cougars
4. Lava
5. Rebels

Current Standings as of 11/20/2024.

Standings are ordered by power ranking. Power rankings by week are sorted by the most recent weeks results. End of season rankings also updated to reflect divisional records.

How are rankings calculated?

Weekly Ranking = Pre-game ranking +/- (10+D*0.1)

D = Ranking Differential (losing team's pre-game ranking minus winning team's pre-game ranking)


  • If the Ranking Differential is less than -90, then the winning team still earns 1 point and the losing team loses 1 point. On the other hand, if the Differential is greater than 90 (i.e. a big upset) then the winning team earns the full point value of 10 + D*0.1, whatever that is, and the losing team loses the full value.

  • For double-headers, Ranking Differentials are calculated using rankings from the start of the day for both games.

  • Rankings on the website are rounded to the nearest tenth of a point, but they are calculated using un-rounded numbers for the duration of a season.