2024 Standings
A League
1. First Down Dimes
2. Kingpins
3. Hail Marys
4. Irish
5. Jeanie Johnston
B League
1. Violent Femmes
2. Renegades
3. Loose Cannons
4. Showstoppers
5. Tight Ends
C League
1. Foul Play
2. Cougars
3. Lava
4. Rebels
5. Big Daddies
Current Standings as of 11/12/2024.
Standings are ordered by power ranking. Power rankings by week are sorted by the most recent weeks results.
How are rankings calculated?
Weekly Ranking = Pre-game ranking +/- (10+D*0.1)
D = Ranking Differential (losing team's pre-game ranking minus winning team's pre-game ranking)
If the Ranking Differential is less than -90, then the winning team still earns 1 point and the losing team loses 1 point. On the other hand, if the Differential is greater than 90 (i.e. a big upset) then the winning team earns the full point value of 10 + D*0.1, whatever that is, and the losing team loses the full value.
For double-headers, Ranking Differentials are calculated using rankings from the start of the day for both games.
Rankings on the website are rounded to the nearest tenth of a point, but they are calculated using un-rounded numbers for the duration of a season.